UPDATE 2: The complete sprite for the thing that has the spike balls pop out in the SSZ in Sonic Mania is now available. Thank you, DanielMania123, for pointing that out for me. UPDATE: I forgot to add the spike ball sprites from S2's MCZ and during S3&K's MHZ act 2 boss. This sheet took me DAYS to complete, but I'm happy I finally got it done before the Steam version of Sonic Mania came out! Tomorrow, spriting will be made much easier on me! I got them before I went on to make this sheet. He mainly wanted the spike ball sprites from Lava Reef act 1, but from Sonic Mania. Spike ball based hazards! These were requested by retrobunyip, also known as Dolphman. If it's a ball, and if it's prickly, don't touch it! If its top half is flat, use it as a platform, but don't touch the bottom half! If it is used by badniks, watch out for them!