This option allows sims to go on a '1 day vacation' to any option that you choose. Go Trick or Treating - Comes back with candy (V4)

Go to the farmers market - comes back with farming items (V3) Toy store - kids will buy a toy, candy, or both. Here are the following places you can go on dates: Your sims can now go on dates which can go good or go completely bad. There are now social interactions involving the explore mod! They are basic friendly interactions that any sim can do. Lose less money the higher the gamble skill is (V2) Work at a temp service (different hours) You will also be able to gamble which is a new skill added to the game! You will be able to make money by working at a temporary service job with no commitment. Go to couples therapy - explore with menu (V3) Go to the dermatologist - comes back with smooth skin (V3) Go get Makeup done - more makeup styles (V2) Talk to a therapist - removes bad mood buffs Go see a doctor - cures get together sicknesses

Your sims will be able to go outfit shopping. Here are the following classes available with this version: Your sims will be able to take classes to help increase skills needed. You will be able to build relationships with them while away. You can now travel with other sims using the new 'Explore With' menu. Most options cost money so if you have no money or the amount it requires it will tell you that can't afford it.